Saturday, March 24, 2007

Brussels - Last full day

One our final full day in Brussels we went to the small town of Waterloo where the famous battle with Napoleon took place. A huge mound of dirt has been placed there in memorial with the blood soaked soil. The panorama exhibit was very good. The climb up was fairly steep. You get a great view of the battlefield from on top of the monument. Here is the proof that when you put someone on a pedestal, it is hard to measure up. We stopped at the African museum on the way back to the Goffarts' where we had a perfect lunch of the best proccuito, cheeses, wine and beer. Also there was something called prepared American which they assured us was quite common. After lunch we went in search of Leffe beer glasses and found this statue. We don't know who he is but suspect that he is someone important to the history of Brussels. With the clothing and posture we decided that he was most likely the patron saint of adult bookstores. We also saw these racks full of rental bike. For a small fee you get the use of a bicycle with a lock and basket. The machine to rent the bicycles looked very convenient. Diner again was wonderful with pork and a blended vegetable sauce with celery root. And of course beer. Except this beer had a plastic twist cap.

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